Powerlink - This is an environmental control unit. It is used with a switch and allows students to actively participate in activities. Powerlink is basically a base that things can be plugged into and then the switch will control that appliance. It is often used to teach cause and effect of using switches for children just learning to be independent. Children can use many different parts of the body to run the switch, this is called the control site and will depend on the physical capabilities of the user. We saw examples of people using anything from the whole head, tongue, hand, to anything as small as one thumb, or clenched teeth, to push the switch button. When teaching a person to use a switch for the first time, we use the language "turn on the light" (or other item being turned on) not "turn on the switch" because we want to use the same language we use with others but we want the children to know why they are hitting the switch.
Some of the benefits of switch use include:
- Control over environment
- inclusion in activities
- communication
- engagement in curriculum
- engagement in social activities
- engagement in leisure activities
- access to employment
- access to Internet
- access to education.
Successful switch operation depends on :
- motivation
- suitable activities
- practice time
- lots of encouragement
- position of the switch
- type of switch.
What can we use the powerlink for?
- TV
- toaster
- alarm clock
- music
- projector
- nightlight
- keyboard
- laminater
- turning the sewing machine on and off in class
- automatic pet food dispenser
- juicer
- blender (smoothie making for fund raising)
- score keeper at sports game
- electronic pencil sharpener
- fog machine
- music for musical chairs
- buzzer in gym
- hairdryer
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