Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Voice

When researching the app called "My Voice," I came across a wonderful interview on CTV News with the CEO of "My Voice." You can find this interview at the following address:
"My Voice" is a fantastic app for people of all ages who may have a disability or have suffered a stroke. This app allows people to speak in sentences by selecting options on the device. This app is free to download but will charge for location aware software.

The best feature of this app is the location aware piece. What the iPhone or iPad will do is search for a GPS location. The user will select their location and the device will search location aware words and sentences. These are already on the system and do not require the user to type sentences in with variety of choices. For example, if the GPS detects the user is at Tim Horton's, menu items such as, "Can I have a large double double pleas?" will appear. This allows user to quickly find situational appropriate words and sentences without the cumbersome task of searching through pages of options.

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